Partswatch Academy

Please note: This is a pre-release version of the PartsWatch Academy website. We appreciate your interest in helping us make sure the Academy is working as expected before its official release to all users. Be aware that it is not complete, and that we’re working hard to get it finished for you.
Thank you for visiting the Academy. We appreciate any comments or suggestions you may have. Send to: [email protected]

Available Courses

Select a Course below, Search by topic,
or Find a Lesson from the Lesson List.


Getting Started

Whether computer savvy or just learning, acquire the ins-and-outs of using PartsWatch as if you've lived there your whole life.



Invoicing is the heart of PartsWatch and is where most stores spend the most time. This course teaches basic invoicing practices as well as advanced.



Inventory training provides you with the ability to create and maintain a complete file of inventoried parts and part-related information by manufacturer Line Codes in a single-store or multi-store environment.



Learn the different methods, and how to set up, order, transmit, receive inventory and return parts to the vendor.



The Customers Course instructs all customer functionality, including maintaining commercial and retail accounts, setting up customer pricing, and tracking Accounts Receivables.


End-of-Period Closeouts

How to close the day, week and month as well as how to export sales totals and payables to your accounting package.



Learn how to access Autologue Computer Systems, Inc. eProducts for easy integration with PartsWatch.



Learn how to access Autologue Computer Systems, Inc. eProducts for easy integration with PartsWatch.



Having problems with PartsWatch? This course offers answers. If you do not find help here, contact PartsWatch Support for assistance.

What Our Students Have to Say

I can’t believe how easy the PartsWatch Academy is to use! I learned all about KITS!
Kelvin Black
From Dallas, TX
PartsWatch Academy is the most awesome training! That instructor Barbara really knows her stuff!
Zasha Swan
From Miami, FL
I’ve been using PartsWatch for nearly eighteen years and can’t believe that I am still learning things through these training courses.
Frank Jones
From Baltimore, MD
I’m only through the first three courses and I am able to use PartsWatch like a PRO!
Jack Brownn
From Newark, NJ